Established in 2001 Catch A Wave is the orginal striped shirt true-to-form Beach Boys show that many have now copied. Honestly, others just don't quite measure up. From Los Angeles, California just like the Beach Boys themselves, this incredible show recreates the look and sound of a live Beach Boys concert circa 1964
to 1969 but of course we add Kokomo from 1988.
Headlining 4 major cruise line showrooms for over 10 years, The Catch A Wave Beach Boys show IS THE FEATURED BEACH BOYS SHOW AT DISNEYLAND, DISNEY'S CALIFORNIA ADVENTURE PARK AS WELL AS HEADLINING DISNEY CRUISE LINES ! Disney, (a known entity for only the best in top talent) chooses Catch A Wave for their Beach Boys show.
CATCH A WAVE" members were personally selected to perform FOR BRIAN WILSON AND THE BEACH BOYS' FAMILIES AND FRIENDS at the California state historical landmark dedication of the home of The Beach Boys in Hawthorne, California. Other Beach Boys tributes are claiming to have performed at the dedication in May of 2005. Make no mistake, CATCH A WAVE members were the only Beach Boys tribute show to hold this honor from this legendary historical event. We have the photos to prove it. See below photo of Brian Wilson signing a guitar with Catch A Wave members performing right behind him !
At left: Catch A Wave performs Sunshine Plaza at Disney's California Adventure Park in Anaheim, Ca.
The photos Below are the "CATCH A WAVE" members performing for Brian Wilson, family and friends at the California State Historical Landmark dedication. Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys' family and friends loved Catch A Wave ! So much so that it inspired Brain to bring back in some of his early tunes in his show.
Members of the The Beach Boys as well as the unbelievable Brian Wilson Band have paid personal complement to the "CATCH A WAVE" members for their tremendous detail, unbelievable harmony work and blend. This show nails "spot on" the Southern California vocal surf sound so identified with The Beach Boys' music. CAW has received huge national critic acclaim
Beach Boy historian
Former wife of Beach Boys' original drummer Dennis Wilson
Beach Boys friend / historian
Guitar player for The Brian Wilson Band
First promoter of The Beach Boys/announcer for the live in Sacramento album 1964.
Former music director for The Brian Wilson Band.